Directions, Hours, Rates and Policies
Monday -Saturday 8am-5pm
Sundays closed, except 3:00-4pm by advanced notice only
1660 West St
Mansfield, MA 02048
From I-95: Take exit 13A, Rt 140 towards Mansfield. Take a right at the 4th traffic light onto West St. Stay on West Street for about 2.9 miles. Alladan Kennels will be on your left.
From I-495: Take exit 31 to Rt. 140. Follow 140 through the first traffic light. At the second traffic light turn left onto West St. Stay on West Street for about 2.9 miles. Alladan Kennels will be on your left.
Rates & Policies
Dogs $45 per day
Cats – $30 per day
Cash or check only (No credit cards can be accepted). Venmo accepted payable to @janehguy
$5 additional per day for walk & socialization – individual one-on-one time playing with a human for a good 20 minutes. Alladan Kennels has two securely fenced “paddocks” where we will walk and play with your dog. Cats have their own room, separate from the dogs, and are allowed free time outside their cages at least twice daily to exercise and play.
No charge for medication if provided by owner.
Dogs MUST be up to date on all shots. Vaccinations are required for Rabies and Kennel Cough New clients must provide proof of vaccination – please bring a paper copy or fax it to us at 508-261-9862.
For sanitary reasons, we do not accept bedding brought in by owners and the kennel will provide all bedding.
Pets are charged for the day they come in, regardless of the time of check-in. We do, however, have a check-out time of 10:00 AM and any pet picked by this time Monday to Saturday will not be charged for that day. For example: if a dog or cat is brought in Friday afternoon and picked up the following Monday morning before 10:00 AM the charge will be for 3 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). If the pet is picked up after 10:00 AM, the charge will be for 4 days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday).New Client Policy
New clients must make payment IN ADVANCE before a reservation will be considered completed and a space held for their pet. Payment must be equal to two night’s board and payable in check or cash. New clients may pay in person or mail in payment. Refunds given for cancellations will be made only at the discretion of the manager/owner and then only if given at least 48 hours notice.